
“You Mean What I Know” is a podcast that centers around the lives of 3 young brothers from suburban Minnesota. Adam, Erik and Jason Iverson attempt to discover the mysteries of life and pop culture through petty squabbling and the occasional thoughtful dialogue. The name “You Mean What I Know” is an intentional scramble of the common phrase, and a favorite saying of a community theatre director in the town where we grew up. We chose it as it is an example of the bond and instinctual understanding between siblings that can be summed up in an incorrect phrase that still conveys the same meaning. Jason, the eldest, is calm, witty, and has a knack for sophistication. Erik, the middle child and brimming with confidence, is ready to fire off at a moment’s notice. Adam, the youngest (and producer of the podcast), jubilant as always, adds a hint of theatrics to the show. Come and join us for the laughs, but stay for the memories.
2021 Rocket Imprints